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Audacity and GIMP

Below are two projects which I produced in my Composing Digital Media course!

"A Like Isn't Love"

The image to the right was developed in my Composing Digital Media course during our visual argument unit. The goal of the unit was to create a visual argument within the program GIMP by overlaying multiple images. Within my image I aimed to portray the high rates of depression which directly correlate to high rates of social media use. This stems from the vast amounts fake validation and social comparability present on these social media platforms. The image on the left depicts a young boy sad in his bed after recieving an Instagram like. The text underneath saying "A Like Isn't Love" helps emphasize the dangers of social media and the isolating effects it can have.

"The Library Dilemma"

The audio to the right was produced in my Composing Digital Media course during our audio narrative unit. It is entitled "The Library Dilemma" because it follows two friends who are doing work together in the school library while casually talking. One of the friends quickly realizes they cannot hang out later that night because of a final essay they forgot to write. In between the "scenes" there are other background noises to reduce dead space such as someone throwing out an empty soda can and another spilling a drink.